Exciting News! Quattro on SKY TV Sunday 28th July


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Tune in to Sky Digital 181 on Sunday 28th July at 10am to watch Quattro executives talk of the challenges for a sustainable future in rail infrastructure.  Featuring John Murphy, Bob Browning, Trevor Hartnett and Chris Smith from the university of Exeter (Centre for Future Clean Mobility).  Footage is also included of our brand new electric vehicles operated on and off track by David Moss and Jason Petersen from our R&D depot in Liverton. If you're interested in learning how Quattro is tackling the need to lower emissions for a net-zero future - tune in to Sky Digital 181 on Sunday at 10am.

This programme will be repeated on Wednesday 31st July at 6pm on Sky Digital 181, and will be available on executivetv.org after broadcast.


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