Statement Of Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy
The purpose of this policy is for Quattro Plant Ltd to establish, promote and support the mental health and general wellbeing of all staff through workplace initiatives and by encouraging staff to take responsibility for their own mental health and general wellbeing.
Quattro is committed to the promotion of the mental health and wellbeing of its staff by creating a culture and environment the supports their social wellbeing, physical health and in turn the organisational success.
- To build and maintain a working environment and culture that supports mental health and wellbeing and prevents discrimination (including bullying and harassment),
- To raise employee awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues,
- To reduce stigma around depression and anxiety in the workplace,
- To develop initiatives and encourage participation of our employees and managers to support mental health and wellbeing in the workplace,
- To continue to provide training and guidance to our current and future mental health first aiders.
This policy applies to all staff regardless of the method of engagement.
All staff are encouraged to:
- Understand this policy and seek clarification from local management if required,
- Consider this policy while carrying out their duties and during interactions with colleagues and customers,
- Support work colleagues in their awareness of this policy,
- Report any concerns confidentially to a nominated mental health first aider or the human resources team,
- Support and contribute to achieving Quattro Plant Ltd.’s aim of providing a healthy and supportive environment for all staff.
All employees have a responsibility to:
- Take reasonable care of their own mental health and wellbeing, including physical health,
- Take reasonable care that their actions do not affect the health and safety of other people in the workplace.
Managers have a responsibility to:
- Ensure that all workers are made aware of this policy,
- Actively support and contribute to the implementation of this policy, including its objectives,
- Manage the implementation and review of this policy and workplace initiatives organised to achieve our objectives,
- Attend and positively contribute to all training organised in the promotion of mental health awareness.
Quattro Plant Ltd will ensure:
- All employees receive a copy of this policy during the induction process
- This policy is readily available via the company documented management system and notice boards
Monitoring and review
Quattro Plant Ltd will review this policy annually from the date of implementation. Effectiveness of the policy will be assessed through feedback from staff and managers.
John Murphy
Managing Director
Quattro Plant Ltd
May 2024
As HR Manager of Quattro Plant Ltd, I countersign this policy statement and shall ensure it is communicated and implemented.
Melanie Webb
HR Manager
Quattro Plant Ltd
May 2024
Date of Issue: 05/04/24
M Webb – HR Manager
Doc Ref: MH&W
Document Title: Mental Health & Wellbeing
Version: 1.0
All Policys
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