Policies and Compliance Documentation

Quattro Plant is dedicated to providing a safe working environment for all staff, contractors and other key stakeholders. Health and safety is central to the business and involves all staff, who are consulted before, during and after any changes to the Safety Management System.

The Network Rail lifesaving rules forms a core element of Quattro Plant’s health and safety philosophy and all staff are regularly briefed on differing aspects of the rules throughout the year.

Quattro Plant fosters a no blame culture to ensure that no health and safety matters are over looked, thus ensuring that any issues are given proper and thorough discussion to ensure any breaches or incidents do not take place again.

Under the direction of the Managing Director and managed by our dedicated compliance Manager, Quattro Plant is committed to compliance with relevant codes of practice and the requirements of our customers. Quattro Plant is a member of the voluntary Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme, which is helping to improve the fleet’s safety and reduce risk.

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